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[SCI] Characteristics of vegetation activity and its responses to climate change in desert/grassland biome transition zones in the last 30 years based on GIMMS3g

来源:9001cc金沙以诚为本 发布时间 : 2021-04-30 点击量:

近日,我中心2016届研究生候静同学关于全球荒漠草原过渡带植被活动特征的论文在Theoretical and Applied Climatology杂志发表,该文利用遥感GIMMS3g数据对气候变化背景下全球荒漠草原过渡带的植被物候期及波动特征等进行了系统研究,分析了植被活动与气候的关系,取得了一些新认识。Theoretical and Applied Climatology杂志由德国Springer集团出版,是国际气候学领域的老牌杂志,主要报道气候、气象及全球变化领域的研究论文,目前影响因子2.64,为中科院三区。

Hou J., Du L., Liu K., et al. Characteristics of vegetation activity and its responses to climate change in desert/grassland biome transition zones in the last 30 years based on GIMMS3g[J]. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-018-2527-0